NOTE; This page is under developement and the below text is only indicative of the future to come content.
Most COR project today are to a large degree handled by outside Professionals, Contractors and coordinated by hired Consultants. The Client generaly pays for all the services. With the increasing trend of Tenants, Architects,Designers and Real Estate firms participating in their own projects, the requirement for specialized knowhow and education is in much demand.
In response to the above, CRMS Group Inc. recognizes the need for increasing role of the professionals to manage their own project through their own in-house Project Management teams. In this regard CRMS Group Inc. has structured an Advisory Services Program focused on In-house education and knowledge transfer .
As the needs and the level of expertise of Clients may differ from one to another, the Advisory Services are custom tailored to each individual Client and will include a detail scope under the following headings; ;
Summary ;
Defining Client’s requirements
Setting up of Project Management structure
Setting up of Project Management documentation
Cost, Timeline,Risk and Implementaion control
In-House or electronic Knowledge Transfer and staff Education
either by managing a real project or using one as an example​
Ongoing Consulting Services
A detailed outline of the Advisory Program will be provided to Client upon request.
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